"Take care of your resources and employees, and they’ll take care of your firm”.
The firm has transformed from using the RIGHT knowledge of source (Yes, there is one, and even though it might take a steeper learning the process) to using the EASY access, C-based or C++ language (Because those developers are cheap to hire and plentiful in all over the place).
The company has changed
from doing good data analysis and architecture process to following the “Agile
method” (Which is nature, in reality, nothing more than a short to-do list),
via the horrible mess that is Scrum bag (A terrible process and inefficient
corruption of Spiral things) which is only endorsed by newbies who love
meetings and growth. (Seasoned developers realize that it’s just a lazy
manager’s way of not using or having to go around and “status of programming”
Remember having a
single, intelligent boss? That’s no more. Now you “ software development data report” to both sides
of the “matrix progress”, and don’t forget to invest up to the “product owner”,
the “Masters of Scrum”, and any other half-assed idiot endorsed by the current
flavor-of-the-day progress.
These days, politics
have become more important than the software development company of
“chops of chaotic”, and the respect that once was given to Subject Matter
Experts is now given to those whose ideas are popular to project owner, whose
hair and clothes reflect the popular culture and religion, and who knows how to
improve the power of boys. And if you don’t know? Well, guess who won’t be the
lead for the rest. Is it You?
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